Protocolo Lugar Intervención

by José Eduardo Dávila Sanchez



Lately it has been detected that personnel of public servants with public security functions, when they find themselves in a situation where a probable criminal act was committed, are unaware of the technical procedure that must be carried out for the protection of said place, thus falling into omissions that the They lead to criminal responsibilities, from an administrative fault to legal consequences where they could fall into a crime that leads them to lose their freedom. That is why many times people who commit a probable criminal act do not serve a sentence according to the crime they committed, that is why the teacher José Eduardo Dávila Sánchez, worried about this type of situation, decides to create this action protocol focused on the first Respondent to carry out a correct protection of a place of intervention where a probable criminal act was committed. Said protocol carried out in a practical, efficient way and with the help of all the technological resources in an application in a friendly way and attached to the expert matter.